Nominations sought for Spirit of Wood County Awards

Wood County Courthouse

Submitted by Wood County Commissioners

Nominations for the 2016 Spirit of Wood County Awards are being accepted through August 15.  Commissioners Doris Herringshaw, Craig LaHote and Joel Kuhlman encourage residents of Wood County to nominate current or former residents for one of seven awards that will be presented at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 23 during a special ceremony in the Alvin L. Perkins Atrium at the Wood County Courthouse Complex.

The seven award categories include Agricultural Leadership; Industrial/Economic Development; Education for Civic Responsibility; Liberty through Law/Human Freedom; Religion and Liberty; Self-Government; and the Lyle R. Fletcher Good Citizenship Award.

Nomination forms and category descriptions are available on the Wood County website,, by following the “Spirit Awards” link.  A list of previous award recipients is also posted on the website.  Forms may also be obtained by contacting the Commissioners’ Office at 419-354-9100 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

In celebration of the Bicentennial of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787, the Ohio Northwest Ordinance and U.S. Constitution Bicentennial Commission developed the Spirit of ‘87 Awards Program.  The awards were established to recognize and honor citizens at the local level whose daily actions embody the principles set forth in the Northwest Ordinance. Nominations were taken in six different categories directly related to the Ordinance.  Every Ohio community was able to participate in the program and local Spirit of ‘87 Award honorees qualified for statewide recognition.

In 1988 the Wood County Commissioners decided to continue with the awards to honor services rendered by Wood County citizens.  Although the names of some awards have changed over the years, the spirit of the awards is alive today.

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