Northwestern Water & Sewer District begins annual hydrant flushing


The Northwestern Water and Sewer District (The District) will start its annual hydrant flushing program today, May 13. This program involves opening about 4,000 hydrants across the five-county area they serve. The hydrant flushing will continue through the fall.

Flushing Schedule

The District’s crews will be flushing hydrants on weekdays from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. They will start working in and near US 23 from Fostoria to Rising Sun, Cygnet, Custar, Milton Center, Bloomdale, and McComb through early June. Additional locations will be announced in The District’s Project Update. Customers can track the progress of the hydrant flushing program by contacting The District. Anyone have any questions or concerns, should call (419) 354-9090 extension 170. CLICK HERE to track our hydrant flushing program online.  

Why Hydrant Flushing is Important

Hydrant flushing tests hydrants to ensure they are functioning properly and have sufficient water flow for fire protection. It also improves water quality by removing fine sediment from the distribution system. The Ohio EPA requires annual flushing as part of regular water system maintenance.

What to Expect During Flushing

During the hydrant flushing, your water will remain safe to drink. However, you may notice a temporary drop in water pressure or some discoloration of your water. If your water looks cloudy or rusty, run your cold water tap for a few minutes until it clears up. If it does not clear up right away, wait a while and try again. You should avoid doing laundry until your water is clear. If your laundry gets stained by discolored water, The District can provide you with stain remover.