Park District programs help appreciate nature in December


iNaturalist App 101 

Tuesday, December 3; 5:00 – 6:30 pm 

W.W. Knight Nature Preserve: 

Friends’ Green Room 

29530 White Road, Perrysburg 

Learn how to use the phone app iNaturalist to identify plants, animals, and more in your Wood County Parks. Bring your own smart phone. Please register at, 419-353-1897

EcoLit Book Group Meeting 

Thursday, December 5; 7:00 – 9:30 pm 

W.W. Knight Nature Preserve: 

Friends’ Green Room 

29530 White Road, Perrysburg 

For this meeting, please read Soul of an Octopus by Sy Montgomery. Group meets once a month. Register for any or all. Leader: Cheryl Lachowski, BGSU English Dept. Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist. Please register at, 419-353-1897

PiPs – Preschoolers in the Parks: Winter Birds 

Friday, December 6; 10:00 – 11:00 am 

W.W. Knight Nature Preserve: 

Friends’ Green Room 

29530 White Road, Perrysburg 

Children 3-6 years of age enjoy a short story while learning about birds spending the winter in Wood County. Adult companions must remain with children for this program. Please register at, 419-353-1897

Long Nights Full Moon Walk 

Wednesday, December 11; 6:30 – 8:00 pm 

Bradner Interpretive Center 

11491 N. Fostoria Road, Bradner 

During this month the winter cold fastens its grip and the nights are at their longest and darkest. Bundle up and enjoy the last full moon of 2019. Please register at, 419-353-1897

Homeschoolers: Off Trail Hike 

Friday, December 13; 10:00 – 11:30 am 

W.W. Knight Nature Preserve: 

Friends’ Green Room 

29530 White Road, Perrysburg 

Late fall is a good time to head off trail to find animal signs and enjoy the winter woods. A visit to the nature play area will be included in the trip. Please register at, 419-353-1897

The Geminid Meteor Shower 

Friday, December 13; 9:30 – 11:00 pm 

Carter Historic Farm 

18331 Carter Road, Bowling Green 

The Geminids are considered one of the best annual meteor showers because they are easily and frequently seen. Bring a thick blanket or reclining folding chair and appropriate clothing for an evening under the stars. Please register at, 419-353-1897

Rudolph Christmas Bird Count 

Saturday, December 14; 6:45 am – 5:00 pm 

Meeting at Waffle House, compilation party at Park Headquarters 

1548 E. Wooster Street, BG and 

18729 Mercer Road, BG 

Be a citizen scientist! Join the Wood County Parks and local birders to count wintering birds that provide a snapshot of bird species and populations in Wood County. Visit for more information. Please register at, 419-353-1897

A Heritage Holiday 

Saturday, December 14; 1:00 – 4:00 pm 

Carter Historic Farm 

18331 Carter Road, BG 

Join us to share some seasonal cheer at the farm’s open house. We’ll have carols played on the player piano, cookie decorating, ornament making, and festive activities for the whole family. No registration needed.

Winter Reptiles 

Wednesday, December 18; 6:00 – 7:30 pm 

W.W. Knight Nature Preserve: 

Friends’ Green Room 

29530 White Road, Perrysburg 

When the weather turns white and chilly what do all our scaly neighbors do? Do they migrate, hibernate, or put on a sweater? We’ll learn these things and more as we meet two of our animal ambassadors. Please register at, 419-353-1897

Wild Self-Defense: Bear 

Friday, December 20; 6:00 – 8:00 pm 

W.W. Knight Nature Preserve: 

Friends’ Green Room 

29530 White Road, Perrysburg 

Encountering wildlife is exhilarating, but if you’re not careful it can turn dangerous quickly! Learn all about this large creature, including how to avoid too-close encounters. You’ll have a chance at defending yourself from our very own “animal.” Please register at, 419-353-1897

Holiday Open Geocaching 

Monday, December 23; 

11:00 am – 2:00 pm 

W.W. Knight Nature Preserve 

29530 White Road, Perrysburg 

Find your own festive cheer this time of year! Stop by anytime between 11:00 am and 2:00 pm to search for hidden gifts in the park. Borrow one of our GPS units or bring your smartphone with the Google Maps app. Dress for the weather and be prepared for substantial walking and self-guided exploration. No registration needed.

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