Portage Lions seeks new members

The Portage Lions Club is a force for good in this and surrounding communities. We are part of a larger world organization serving humanitarian needs to many.

A few of local services include:

     1. Support Enough Park

     2. Publish Village Newsletter

     3. Sponsor 4th of July parade

     4. Adopt A Highway

     5. Purchase eyeglasses for local needy

     6. Vision screenings for area pre-schools

     7. Collect used eyeglasses for redistribution

     8. Sponsor Lions Peace Poster through Bowling Green Middle School

In order to maintain the Mission Statement of serving humantarian needs, we have designated  Feb. 24 as prospective new member night. The meeting time is 7 p.m. at Christ United Methodist Church, 301 West Main in Portage and invite you to become a part of this amazing group. The meeting will include hors d’oeuvres and snacks, and will be a great opportunity to meet and learn about the Lions.

Please consider attending this meeting by contacting any Lions member.

Jim Frobose
