Power of Yesteryear Show to display antique and vintage tractors and equipment

Photo provided from previous Power of Yesteryear show.

Antique and vintage tractors, equipment and gas engines will be displayed when the Power of Yesteryear hosts its annual show.

The show, which is free and open to the public, opens on Sept. 14-15 at 9 a.m. at the Historical Construction Equipment Museum, 16623 Liberty Hi Road, Bowling Green.

Oliver tractors and equipment will be featured and a restored Oliver 77 Row Crop Tractor will be raffled off. There will also be a flea market and food available on the grounds.

On Sept. 14, a 30-mile tractor ride to and from Grand Rapids will be available. Registration is at 8 a.m. and the ride leaves at 9 a.m.  For additional information about the ride, contact Chuck Hoile at 419-575-1512 or Terry Obermyer at 419-206-0159.

Also on Sept. 14, there will be a chicken barbecue starting at 4:30 p.m. Tickets are $14 per person until the meals are gone.