Public meeting to address anti-gerrymandering Issue 1 on November ballot  

Part of the flyer about the Issue 1 meeting on Monday at 6 p.m. at the Wood County Committee on Aging.

A public meeting will be held on Monday (Sept. 9) in Bowling Green to address Issue 1, the initiative on Ohio’s November ballot to create fair districts and fair elections in the state.

Fair Districts and We Are Ohio, a coalition of unions supporting the rights of working people, will host the meeting open to the public at 6 p.m. at the Wood County Committee on Aging, 140 S. Grove St.

Guest speakers for the meeting include Jen Miller, executive director of the League of Women Voters of Ohio; David Jackson, president of the Bowling Green State University Faculty Association; and Eric Sweeney, United Steel Workers District 1 representative.

They will discuss the importance of voting Yes on Issue 1 on or before Nov. 5.

Issue 1 is an Ohio Constitutional amendment to establish a 15-member citizen redistricting commission, with a goal to put an end to gerrymandering in Ohio.  If Issue 1 is passed in November, the responsibility for drawing the lines for Ohio legislative districts will be in the hands of the citizens, rather than politicians.

The community is invited to learn details as well as clarification of the proposed ballot language.