For the first time in 11 months, the members of the public will be able to participate in a Bowling Green Board of Education meeting next week. The board will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 16, at 5:30 p.m.
There will be opportunity for public participation. Participants will need to register in advance of the meeting, no later than noon on Tuesday, Feb. 16, at:
Information to join the meeting on Zoom will be emailed to registered participants. The district will not be able to provide technical support to the public in advance of or during the meeting.
The board oversees district-wide issues and policies. Specific questions for board members, the superintendent or treasurer should be directed via email or phone to allow them to gather accurate information. Individual concerns about a specific situation or student should first be directed to the relevant teacher, principal, or school administrator. If the concern has not been adequately addressed, then please contact the superintendent or directors. To protect employees’ rights to privacy, the board does not hear complaints or comments about specific employees in public session.
Appropriate conduct is expected. Participants must have their cameras on while in the meeting in order to be recognized by the presiding officer, and they must state their name and address.
There are two opportunities for the public to participate: the first to comment on items on the meeting agenda and a second opportunity near the end to comment on any school related topic. Each statement made by a participant shall be limited to three minutes. Each portion of the meeting during which the participation of the public is invited shall be limited to 30 minutes.
The board members will meet remotely with the public able to watch the meeting via YouTube: