Quality education is not free; it needs community investment

We write this letter to encourage all voters to support the Bowling Green Schools Operating Levy.  As retired educators and the parents of two graduates of the Bowling Green City Schools we understand the importance of public education and appreciate the education our children received.

While students at Conneaut Elementary School, Bowling Green Junior High School, and Bowling Green High School our children were taught by dedicated and talented educators who helped them develop critical thinking, interpersonal, civic engagement, and basic life skills (e.g., reading, computation, writing, financial competency). Through participation in field trips, athletics, marching band, and other school sponsored activities they learned teamwork, perseverance, and a sense of obligation.

We live directly across from Bowling Green High School and each fall weekday morning brings us the sound of the Bowling Green Bobcat Marching Band practicing for Friday’s football game.  The day ends to the sounds of Cross Country team members running past our house and cheering on their teammates as they complete their training runs. In between those events we know that students across the district are learning the knowledge, skills, and habits of mind and heart that will serve them well throughout life.

That learning is not cost free.  Teachers, staff, and administrators must be paid for the hours of dedicated service they provide.  Buildings and campuses must be maintained so that students may learn in safe, supportive, and educationally purposeful environments.  Transportation must be provided to deliver students to school and home safely and efficiently. These costs, and many more, are covered by operating levies like the one on the current ballot.  Failing to pass this levy will result in a reduction in services and a diminished educational experience for all our students.

We believe that public education exists for the public good and requires public investment.  Many taxpayers made it possible for our children to receive an excellent education. We have an obligation to see that current and future students receive the same excellent education.  We have always thought of our local taxes (and this includes taxes to support the schools) as our membership fee for having the good fortune to live in a community like Bowling Green.  We are blessed to be members of this community and more than willing to support the community and our schools financially.  Is that always easy—no.  Is it necessary, important, and central to maintaining a vibrant and informed citizenship for the future—absolutely.  For all these reasons, we strongly encourage you to support the Bowling Green Schools Operating Levy when you vote this fall.

Judy Gardner & Mike Coomes

Bowling Green