Republican sheriff and Democratic senator find common ground in political divisive times

Wood County Sheriff Mark Wasylyshyn and U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown at southern border


BG Independent News

Wood County Sheriff Mark Wasylyshyn is on the ballot in November, but he is raising questions – and eyebrows – with his appearance in a campaign ad for another candidate.

The television ad shows the Republican sheriff professing his support for Democratic U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown.

“It definitely has a lot of people wondering what’s going on,” Wasylyshyn said. “They are asking if I’m still a Republican.”

“Yes, I’m a Republican, and he’s a Democrat,” the sheriff said. “But we found mutual ground.”

That common ground is pro law enforcement and anti fentanyl. In the ad, Wasylyshyn states that “no one has done more” than Brown to protect Ohioans from fentanyl.

The sheriff said his endorsement has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with looking out for Wood County’s 132,700 residents – whether they are Republicans, Democrats or Independents.

“It raises eyebrows,” he said. “But since day one I’ve always done what’s best for the people of Wood County.”

Wasylyshyn has heard from other sheriff’s in Ohio, who fear a backlash if they voiced support for the Democratic senator.

“They have said, ‘Gee, we wish we had the guts to,’” Wasylyshyn said. “I’m not concerned about that. This is America. You vote for and support who you want.”

Wood County’s sheriff has long served the Buckeye State Sheriffs’ Association, and is currently on the executive committee of the National Sheriffs’ Association.

“Sherrod has been extremely supportive of our initiatives,” Wasylyshyn said.

Top on the list has been the FEND Off Fentanyl Act, which cracks down on the chemical suppliers in China and cartel drug traffickers in Mexico. Last year, Wasylyshyn accompanied Brown on a trip to the U.S. southern border.

Other sheriffs’ association initiatives supported by Brown include: 

  • Funding for mental health services to help people in the care of law enforcement.
  • Creating Code Blue, an “Amber Alert” issued to help find suspects if a law enforcement officer is killed. 
  • Preservation of radio bands for first responders.

“Sherrod Brown is the go-to guy for law enforcement,” Wasylyshyn said.

“I’m a Republican. Have been my whole life,” Wasylyshyn said in the ad. “I don’t agree with Sherrod Brown on everything, but when it comes to fighting fentanyl, no one has done more than Sherrod Brown.”

And the senator listens, the sheriff said. Brown has been to Wasylyshyn’s office multiple times, the last time visiting the jail garden and talking with inmates.

“His staff members have called me to ask how I feel about some things,” Wasylyshyn said.

Brown invited Wood County’s sheriff to be his one guest at the State of the Union earlier this year.

“It shows that we respect each other. I’m a conservative Republican,” but the common ground is solid, Wasylyshyn said.

The senator and sheriff also share strong feelings about freeing Ukraine from Russian President Vladimir Putin’s aggression. Washylyshyn is a first generation American with parents from Ukraine. 

“Sherrod called me within days of the invasion,” the sheriff said. “I was always raised that communism is bad. We have to stop Putin.”

Though his support of a Democrat comes as a surprise to some of his constituents, Wasylyshyn said it’s been refreshing to see that once he explains his endorsement, most understand.

“I’m extremely pleased and surprised at the positive comments,” the sheriff said.