Rotary thanks for support of ‘Nashville Nights’ & Kids Coalition Against Hunger meal packaging

As President of the Bowling Green Rotary Club, I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who made last April 19’s ‘Nashville Nights: The Stories Behind the Songs’ evening event a tremendous success. Your generous support as sponsors and ticket holders not only made for a memorable night but also played a crucial role in funding our community service initiatives.

The success of our fundraising event enabled us to undertake another significant project this summer. On July 26, we organized a meal packaging event in collaboration with the Kids Coalition Against Hunger. I am especially grateful to the nearly 500 volunteers who dedicated their time and energy to help us package 70,000 meals. Thanks to your efforts, these meals have been distributed to food banks in Bowling Green and Toledo, shipped internationally through Rotary's Medical Equipment and Supplies Abroad (MESA), and stored with KCAH for future disaster relief efforts.

This event was a wonderful example of a community coming together for the greater good. I would like to acknowledge Bowling Green State University (BGSU) for their incredible contribution, providing half of the volunteers and offering facilities, equipment, and staffing that were essential for the success of our project. 

A special thanks goes to Athletics and the Marvin Center for Student Leadership and Civic Engagement who encouraged students to participate and were true partners in this endeavor.

It was also heartening to see so many Kiwanians and members of other service clubs answer the call for volunteers. Your participation exemplifies the spirit of collaboration and service that makes our community strong.

If you are reading this and you volunteered or supported our event in any way, thank you. Your involvement has made a significant impact, and we look forward to continuing our work together for the betterment of our community.

Steve Conlin

President, Bowling Green Rotary Club