Self-inspection is more proof that BG is failing its residents who rent

Once again, the Bowling Green City Council has let renters down. For too long, renters have been treated as second-class citizens, and the latest development—a vague self-inspection form that boasts a 100% pass rate by landlords after having deadlines extended by years—only exemplifies this neglect for our city leadership. 

With the cost of living rising and families barely hanging on for a decent quality of life, it’s disheartening to see council members that are majority landlords or lawyers themselves, prioritize unnecessary and costly government regulations over genuine support for BG residents. 

The recent inspection fees being passed through by landlords are a clear indication that council does not truly care about the financial burden on renters. 

Unless we elect representatives who genuinely advocate for our working class community, rather than prioritize regulations and goals that only benefit themselves, the plight of renters will remain unchanged with empty promises filling the void for years to come. 

We must prioritize financial well being for all, not just the wealthy lawyers and landlords that make all the decisions on city council. I urge city council to find ways to lower the cost of living for folks not continue to raise it!

John Recker

Bowling Green