Shipshewana on the Road will make a stop at the Wood County Fairgrounds this weekend. The new exhibition building at the fairgrounds will be full of vendors for shows on Saturday, Dec. 8, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Sunday, Dec. 9, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. All the vendors space has been filled for the show.
Shipshewana on the Road shows are held indoors and they are large, between 200 and 315 booths filled with the latest products. You will not find this wonderful merchandise at most retail establishments either. Additionally, most vendors accept credit cards for any purchase made although small number of vendors only accept cash.
At a typical show there is a broad range of vendors who will be selling handmade items, including candles, furniture, jewelry, home and yard decor, aromatherapy, clothing, children’s toys, paintings and photography items. In addition to the handmade items we will have many gift items including home décor, jewelry, essential oils, name brand perfumes, women’s and men’s clothing, designer handbags, luggage, personal care, cosmetics, entertainment options, reclaimed wood items, small tools, video games, drones, cell phone items, CVS and Walgreens surplus items, all-terrain vehicles (ATV’s) and specialty gift products. Plus, several gourmet foods including dip mixes, soup mixes, sausage and jerky just to name a few.
Shipshewana On The Road holds between 15 and 20 shows per year. The shows are January until April and October until December each year. All shows are open to the public on Saturday and Sunday.
There is an admission charge at each of the shows of $5 per adult, children 12 and under are free and most locations have free parking.
We do not have a list of vendors for the show as they change too often to do so although you can find something for everyone at Shipshewana On The Road – Gift, Food and Craft show. Exhibitors come from: Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Missouri and more.