Safe Communities announced that there has been one fatal crashes in Wood County this year compared to one at this time last year.
March, our kite flying, flowers popping up, windy month is upon us! The gamut of all weather happens in March – melting snow, more snow, heavy rain, fog, and the unveiling of the roads that have been hidden under ice and snow.
Remember these helpful tips as you travel during the month of March:

Slow down and increase your following distance when rain or mist begins to fall. Even a small amount of water can mix with oil and grease on the road to create slippery conditions.

Use your low beam headlights. High beams reflect water vapor (fog) and make it harder to see.

To keep the inside of your windshield clear of moisture, turn on your fan and defroster; the air conditioner may help, too.

Avoid driving through large puddles; the splashing water may affect your brakes, cause your car to swerve, and impair the vision of other motorists.

Watch the road to see if the vehicle ahead is leaving tire tracks, and if it is, follow in those tracks if you can for better traction. If it’s not, reduce speed slowly to prevent hydroplaning.

Watch for icy conditions caused by thawing snow, spring rains or mist, especially in shaded areas, on bridges and on overpasses. Remember that these areas freeze first.

Keep an eye out for pedestrians, who may be less alert to traffic in the rain and fog, and more difficult for you to see.