Suspect in stabbing outside downtown bar in BG remains at large

A warrant has been issued for a suspect believed to have stabbed a male outside a downtown bar on Sunday (March 16) around 1:22 a.m. As of this morning (March 18), the suspect, Marcus Ruiz, 20, of Toledo, was still at large.

A Bowling Green Police officer was patrolling downtown when a group of people waved him down in front of a bar in the 200 block of North Main Street. The officer found a man stabbed in the chest, with blood from his chest to his feet.

The officer tore open the victim’s shirt to identify where pressure should be applied. He found a large puncture wound with heavy bleeding. 

Bowling Green Fire Division transported the man to Wood County Hospital, where he was treated for the serious wound. 

Downtown camera footage reportedly showed the victim and Ruiz exit the bar and begin exchanging punches. Soon after, the victim was shown clenching his chest, and approaching bar staff trying to get help.

The suspect ran westbound on West Court Street to North Grove Street, where he joined up with several other people.