Tabby & Fido’s Cat Cafe inspires Susan Montgomery’s newest children’s book  

Tabby & Fido's Cat Cafe owners Patty Beam (left) and Morgan Meronk (right) will welcome Susan Montgomery (center) for an author event to promote her book that features their cat cafe.


BG Independent News

Susan Montgomery introduced her children’s book about a ukulele-playing cat last year at the purrfect location–Tabby & Fido’s Cat Cafe.

After she debuted “Tracey and the Ukulele,” Montgomery fell in love with the mission and ambiance of Bowling Green’s only cat cafe. The business sparked an idea to create another cat story – this one without her trademark ukulele.

Instead, she wanted to collaborate with Tabby & Fido’s Cat Cafe owners Patty Beam and Morgan Meronk. The mother-daughter team agreed, thinking it was another way to bring awareness to their business and their goal of getting cats adopted.

The collaborative effort resulted in Montgomery’s eighth picture book called “Whiskers and the Cat Café: Friendships and Forever Homes.” It was the first picture book she had designed completely on her iPad rather than with watercolors on paper.

The book is about community, connection, hope and friendship. It tells the story of café cat Whiskers who loves sitting in the café’s sunshiny window as he waits to find his forever home. A little boy comes in with a “jingly-jangly ball” to play with the cat. They become smitten, and the little boy’s mom suggests they can take Whiskers home. The cat cafe turns into a party of happiness, celebrating Whiskers’ adoption.

“It’s a heartwarming story of how people come together at the cafe. They enjoy coffee, where they not only visit with the cats, but they can adopt them,” Montgomery said. “I wanted to feature the cat cafe, with information about Tabby & Fido’s at the end, because people don’t know the café works with rescues who provide adoptable cats.”

Telling stories with a message is Montgomery’s wheelhouse. She loves creating stories and bringing them to life through words and her own illustrations.

Her book-writing process starts with a small idea and some draft illustrations that develop and change a lot over time. With a degree in art education, Montgomery always incorporates fun pictures, an entertaining story and plenty of supplemental materials. She also has created an activity book to accompany the picture book.

“The teacher in me comes out,” she said. “People told me how much they love the supplemental material I put in the back.”

In “Whiskers the Cafe Cat,” Montgomery included discussion questions, cat care tips for kids, how to draw a cat and a narrative about Tabby & Fido’s. She also has included a “seek-and-find” toy mouse on each page.

Teachers or parents have extra educational tools at their fingertips, though they can also go to her Created by Susan website for additional ideas.

“It’s great to have a book that brings awareness to the business and our mission to find homes for cats,” Beam said. “Publicity is important for people to know what we are doing for the animals. We hope this gets people here to understand what we are all about.”

Their cats are provided through the Wood County Humane Society and Toledo Animal Rescue.

Though the final product was a collaborative effort, “The book was definitely her own doing,” Beam said. “She got inspired by some of the things we do here at Tabby & Fido’s. She talks about bringing people together, being here and experiencing that. I think that is something she felt and included in the book.”

Montgomery also incorporated the twinkle lights that are strung throughout the viewing area and cat lounge. “The lights give so much ambiance; I wanted that in the book, so the backgrounds all sparkle,” she said. The fuzzy rugs where the cats romp, play and snooze are included in the pages and to recreate the café’s cozy feel.

Author events

Tabby & Fido’s, 300 N. Main St., will host Montgomery for an author event on Saturday, Feb. 15, from noon to 1:30 p.m. Hot cocoa and goodies will be provided by the cat cafe. Montgomery will give a cat-themed basket to a lucky visitor.

In addition to listening to Montgomery read the book inspired by the cat cafe, guests of all ages can talk with Montgomery, Beam and Meronk about the book and the cat cafe, sketch their own cafe cat, listen to Whiskers’ ukulele song, and celebrate the Tabby & Fido’s mission of finding forever homes for cats. The book will also be for sale at the cafe during and after the event.

Montgomery also will present an author event from 1 to 2 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 21 at The Connection Center, 309 S. Main St.

The self-published book is available on Amazon and at Tabby & Fido’s. Though this book does not incorporate a ukulele in the storyline, Montgomery has created a ukulele song about the book that can be heard by visiting the book trailer.

“It’s a unique opportunity and an honor to tell the story,” Montgomery said. The book is geared for 5- to 8-year-olds, but the cat cafe message is for all ages.