Village Players staging ‘Doubt: A Parable’

The Village Players will inaugurate its Director Series will a production of  John Patrick Shanley’s “Doubt: A Parable” at The Village Players Theatre 2740 Upton Ave., 

Toledo. Showtimes are Thursday, July 18  at 7 p.m., Friday, June 19 and Saturday, June 20 at 8 p.m., and Sunday, June 21 at 2 p.m.

Tickets are $15. Click to purchase.

Directed by Fran Martone.

Sister Aloysius (Nancy Wright) , a Bronx school principal, takes matters into her own hands when she suspects the young Father Flynn  (Jake Spencer) of improper relations with one of the male students.

Also in the cast are Samantha Heater and Natalie Brown Bostelman.

This show has mature content and may not suitable for young audiences.