Women’s Club of BG Garden Group plants flowers at welcome sign at north end of city

Garden Group of GFWC Women’s Club of Bowling Green plants flowers at welcome sign on North Main Street.

The Garden Group of GFWC Women’s Club of Bowling Green gathered on May 21 at the welcome sign at the north end of the city to plant white, yellow and pink snapdragons to enhance the plantings of hostas and Autumn Joy sedums the group has previously installed. 

The Garden Group has planted and taken care of this summer project for many years as a welcome to our city by visitors from the north.

After planting, members moved to City Park for a meeting. Co-President Susan Enright reported that five members attended the May 1 OAGC Region 1 Spring meeting at which the BG City Arborist was the main speaker. Also, 11 members attended the May 8 Fostoria Garden Club Annual Guest Night Dinner with a presentation on various types of roses and how to care for them.

Members were reminded that the OAGC State Convention is Aug. 26-28 at Maumee State Park Lodge, and adult early bird registration must be postmarked by June 15.

Susan Kurfess reported on a group of high school students in one community who are planting gardens with the rewards to be shared with their local food pantries. A signup sheet was passed for watering the welcome sign plantings and another for programs for the 2024-2025 group meetings.

Hostesses for this meeting were Shelly Sabo and Susan Enright. The next meeting of Garden Group will be on June 18 for a tour of Phil Hollenbaugh’s personal hosta garden.