Women’s Club of BG to hear from Cocoon Shelter’s Executive Director Kathy Mull

Kathy Mull, executive director of The Cocoon

GFWC Women’s Club of Bowling Green will hold its next monthly meeting on March 5 at First Christian Church, at the corner of Haskins and Poe Road, beginning with social time at 6:30 p.m.

Program for the evening will be The Cocoon Shelter: Expansion of Space & Services, presented by Kathy Mull, executive director. Musical guests for the evening will be from the BGSU Musical Arts Program. 

Plans will be formulated for the club’s hosting of Legislation Day on March 29 at Bowling Green Country Club. Further information will be discussed regarding the June Rummage Sale, next year’s Wreath Across America event, the annual June picnic, and new officer elections.

Designated charity for the evening is The Cocoon; the club will make a donation of $200 to the organization on behalf of members.

Anyone interested in learning about the opportunities for service provided by GFWC Women’s Club of Bowling Green to the community and beyond, or who would like to attend a meeting, can consult the website at www.womensclubbg.org, email president@womensclubbg.org, or talk with any club member.