Women’s Club of BG to kick off new year with meeting and potluck on Sept. 4

Bowling Green Women's Club meeting in February

GFWC Women’s Club of Bowling Green will kick off the new club year with a meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 4, at 6 p.m. at First Christian Church at the corner of West Poe Road and Haskins Road. 

The annual fall potluck will precede the evening’s program with Environment Community Service Program Chair Lorraine Miners detailing specifics of recycling. Literature Group Chair Candace Gillen and Garden Group Co-president Susan Enright will tell members of the projects and activities of her respective group.

President Kim Roessner will lead the brief business meeting, followed by planning for ongoing club projects that continue through the autumn months. Enright will share an update on the annual Holiday Art & Craft Show scheduled for Nov. 9 at First United Methodist Church from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 

The designated charity for the evening will be the Brown Bag Food Project, with the club making a donation of $200 to the organization on behalf of members. 

Anyone interested in learning about the opportunities for service provided by GFWC Women’s Club of Bowling Green to the community and beyond, or who would like to attend a meeting, can consult the website at www.womensclubbg.org, email president@womensclubbg.org, or talk with any club member.