Women’s Club of BG tours Hollenbaughs’ home garden of primarily hostas and daylilies

Phil Hollenbaugh in Hosta Glen in Simpson Garden Park in June, 2018.

The Garden Group of GFWC Women’s Club of Bowling Green gathered last month at the home of Phil and Joan Hollenbaugh to tour their home garden consisting principally of hostas and daylilies, plus myriads of other colorful plantings tended to over many years. 

Phil Hollenbaugh gifted each attendee with a hosta plant to take home.

After the tour, members moved to the home of Carol Ballard for social time and snacks. Co-President Susan Enright presented abbreviated reviews of Astrantia and Caladium and explained that different plants are randomly picked and assigned in an effort to learn about plants members might otherwise never know.

The next meeting will be July 16, at 3 p.m., at the home of Pam Vollmar, who will be directing an activity making casts of leaves. Attendees are reminded to bring disposable gloves, a disposable plastic container, and a small leaf to cast and take home.