Wood County Amateur Radio Club participates in annual field day

Man at table with computer, microphone and ham radio in the foreground.Bob Boughton connects with other amateur radio operators during 2023 ARRL Field Day

Members of the Wood County Amateur Radio Club will be participating in
the annual national Amateur Radio Field Day exercise June 22-23 on the grounds of the Wood County Museum, 13660 County Home Road, Bowling Green.

Since 1933, ham radio operators across North America have established
temporary ham radio stations in public locations during the American Radio Relay League Field Day to showcase the science and skill of amateur radio.

The field day is a picnic, campout, practice for emergencies and an informal contest. While some amateur radio groups use it as a contest, others use it to practice their emergency response capabilities and to demonstrate the wide range of skills that are used to help with events such as marathons, parades and festivals.

Ham radios are also often used to provide communications support during real disaster and post-disaster situations.

The Wood County event is open to the public and all are encouraged to attend.