Wood County Community Health Center offers preventative care incentive program

Wood County Health Department

Wood County Community Health Center is offering a preventative care incentive program. Preventative health screenings are important to maintain or improve a person’s quality of life and prevent disability and even premature death. 

These screenings can help the patient’s medical provider to recognize any early stage health changes and use available treatments to improve longevity and quality of life.

The first 100 new patients or established patients of the Wood County Community Health Center, who schedule and complete certain recommended preventive care screening services, will get a $50 gift card. 

Screenings must be recommended by the provider and patients must be eligible for the screening based on their age and care history at the time it is completed to receive the incentive.

Eligible services include:

  • Breast cancer screenings
  • Colorectal cancer screening
  • Cervical cancer screening
  • Hepatitis C screening
  • HIV screening
  • Reproductive life plan

Same day appointments are available. To schedule an appointment, call 419-354-9049. Wood County Community Health Center is located in the Wood County Health Department at 1840 E. Gypsy Lane Road, Bowling Green.

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