Wood County Senior Center to offer digital literacy program for older adults

Wood County Senior Center

The Wood County Committee on Aging is participating in a new nationwide effort aimed at improving digital literacy among older adults. This initiative, led by the National Council on Aging in collaboration with AT&T, seeks to empower older adults with the essential skills needed to navigate today’s increasingly digital world.

As one of only 50 senior centers and community-based organizations selected across the country, WCCOA will be offering a series of in-person workshops designed to guide older adults through modules that will help build confidence in using technology. These modules will cover a range of topics, including online safety, communication tools, and accessing essential services online.

The goal of this program is to ensure that older adults have access to the knowledge and resources they need to stay connected, informed, and safe while using the Internet. Workshops and support will be available in both English and Spanish.

For more information or to sign up for the workshops, contact the Wood County Senior Center at 419-353-5661 or visit the website at www.wccoa.net to view the newsletter with class details.