BG VOICE to hold march supporting students going back to school

Parents and kids rally for in-person school options last month.

BG VOICE will hold a “March for a Better Plan” on Monday, Nov. 16, from 5 – 6 p.m. The group will meet at Wooster Green and then march to the Bowling Green City School’s Administration Building. Anyone from the community who supports the mission is invited to attend. Masks and social distancing will be required of all attendees. Signs will be available for participants.

BG VOICE is a group that wants families in the Bowling Green community to have a choice for their children to attend school in person. The group is asking that families be offered choices for how their children receive education during this pandemic to meet academic, social, and emotional needs. 

The school board has announced thresholds that must be met in order for students to return to school. However, according to BG VOICE, many feel that these are unrealistic to meet and will not get children into the classroom anytime soon. The thresholds are different for K-5th graders and 6th-12th graders. 

BG VOICE is working with an attorney who is working on helping students get back in school.