Designs sought for Mental Health Awareness Month T-shirts

NAMI Wood County is having a spring T-shirt contest for Mental Health Awareness Month. Through Feb. 28, creations may be submitted around the theme of “Together for Mental Health,” and the winners will be the design for the NAMI spring t-shirt campaign through the month of May. 

Submit to the adult age bracket (ages 13 and older) or the youth age bracket (ages 12 and under) by visiting Winners will be recognized at the Volunteer Appreciation Event on Monday, April 18, and on social media.

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Wood County is a leading self-help organization offering free events, educational classes, support groups, and other programs that address mental health for the Wood County community. NAMI Wood County has a variety of programming throughout the year. This programming is free and available to all Wood County residents.

If you are interested in becoming a NAMI Wood County member, visit the website for more details. There are many benefits included in a NAMI Wood County member including discounts on programs and newsletter subscriptions. Membership levels range from $5 to $60.

NAMI Wood County is also continuing its NAMI Connections support group in a hybrid model. Other support groups Family Support Group, Parent & Caregiver and Peer and Family are postponed until March, when they will resume in person. Visit for more information and to register for their programming. Email or call 419- 352-0626 for more information, and follow NAMI Wood County on social media at @NAMIWoodCounty for additional resources and updates.