Freedom Township Building Levy will pay for much needed maintenance building

I am writing this letter in support of the Freedom Township Building Levy. The township is in need of a new maintenance building, which currently sits in a flood plain and floods yearly along with the adjacent office.

To maintain 40 miles of roadways and three cemeteries this takes multiple pieces of equipment. The current structure lacks the adequate space to house this equipment. Currently, depending on the season equipment is rotated between locations and during snow season a snow plow is housed in the fire station.

Passing this levy will allow the construction of a new four-bay building that has a office for the fiscal officer, meeting and storage room all under one roof, this will eliminate the need to rent storage, office space, and a barn for salt.

Details of the levy are as follows 1.75 mills, ten year non renewable, if the loan is paid before the ten years they will stop collecting on the levy.

To see how much this levy will cost you search your taxes on the auditor’s website and use the levy tab. Please vote yes on this levy.

Ron Golightley
