Norm Geer will help lead BG schools to a bright future

A fundamental basis for the stability and continuing success of any community has always been and will always be its public school system.  In Bowling Green, we have a school system wisely created, supported, and nurtured by generations of citizens dedicated to the education, growth and development of all its members. This has not occurred without the time, efforts, and talents of generations of our elected school board members.

We do not believe our school system is in crisis.  We believe our school system is facing surmountable issues that need thoughtful study, clear analysis, community input and leadership decision making based on the current, mid-term and long-term best interest of our communities’ children- young and old.  To reach this next stage, our school board needs to include an individual with leadership skills, a history of personal and family involvement in education, integrity, work ethic, ability to make tough decisions and perhaps the singular most critical trait, the ability and willingness to listen- actually listen and hear- to every community member’s input- fairly and impartially, before making a decision.

We are most fortunate to have that person available- Norm Geer.  From many years of interaction with Norm, we know he is a valued asset of our community, and we should not miss the opportunity for him to  continue to lead our school system into the bright future ahead.  Please take the time to vote.

Bob and Linda Spitler

Bowling Green