Ohio State Highway Patrol: Pedestrian safety is a shared responsibility


The Ohio State Highway Patrol is reminding both pedestrians and motorists that safety is a shared responsibility.

Since 2016, there have been 14,677 pedestrian-related crashes on Ohio’s roadways. Of those, 807 were fatal crashes involving the deaths of 814 pedestrians. During this time, 41 percent of pedestrian-related crashes occurred between 6:00 p.m. and 10:59 p.m.

One in three pedestrian-related crashes occurred on a Friday or Saturday. Pedestrians were at fault in 35 percent of pedestrian-related crashes, and 53 percent of the fatal pedestrian-related crashes.

“Motorists and pedestrians share the responsibility of keeping themselves safe while using our roads and sidewalks,” said Governor Mike DeWine. “I encourage both drivers and pedestrians to remember to stay alert and avoid using any devices that may cause a distraction while traveling from place to place.”

Pedestrians should always use a sidewalk when it is provided. It is unlawful for pedestrians to walk along and upon the adjacent roadway if a sidewalk is available. Where no sidewalk or shoulder exists, pedestrians may walk as close as practicable to an outside edge of the road, facing oncoming traffic.

“Whether you’re on foot or behind the wheel, you should always be aware of your surroundings,” said Lieutenant Matt Crow, Findlay Post Commander. “Keep alert at all times to ensure pedestrians can be seen.”

Pedestrians and motorists can follow these tips to increase pedestrian safety:

  • Do not be distracted by electronic devices that take your eyes and ears off the road.
  • Pedestrians should wear bright or reflective clothing, especially at night.
  • Pedestrians should cross where motorists expect them to, follow pedestrian signs and

signals, and never assume a driver can see you.

  • Motorists are required to yield to pedestrians in a marked crosswalk and in unmarked

crosswalks at intersections.

  • Motorists can use bright headlights when legally able to illuminate the roadway and

possibly spot a pedestrian walking near the roadway.

  • Motorists should slow down and drive cautiously in residential areas.

For more information, a traffic safety bulletin can be found at:

https://statepatrol.ohio.gov/links/Pedestrian_Bulletin_2021.pdf .