Residents urged to be vigilant in monitoring violations of disposing of CAFO manure on fields

Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (a.k.a. factory farms) are some of the largest sources of nutrient pollution in waterways, producing millions of gallons and megatons of manure on a single site.  The Ohio Department of Agriculture routinely approves permits with insufficient acreage upon which to spread the massive amounts of manure by simply utilizing loopholes in their Program.  This allows CAFOs to land apply massive amounts of untreated, nutrient-rich, waste directly onto tiled farm fields.  

Now that Governor DeWine’s highly touted H2Ohio program pays farmers and landowners $60 (taxpayer money) per acre to allow CAFO owners to spread untreated manure on their fields, there will be numerous new fields getting manure applications.  

People need to know, if a person receives manure from a CAFO, then fails to utilize it according to applicable state laws, the manure applicator and the landowner could both be found negligent and liable in a nuisance lawsuit – according to a legal opinion from a Columbus law firm.

Since there is little to no oversight, local residents need to be aware of the following:

Call your township trustees if you see that manure tankers have damaged the roads or berms on township roads (green road signs).

Call the Wood County Engineer’s Office if you see that manure tankers have damaged the roads or berms on Country roads (blue road signs).

Call the Wood County Sheriff:    

  • If you see a large amount of manure on the roads which could be considered a hazard;
  • If manure tankers or tractors are blocking access to roads.

Call the Ohio EPA Emergency Hotline at 800-282-9378:

  • If you see manure discharging from field tiles; 
  • If you see or smell manure in a ditch or stream;
  • If liquid manure is ponding on the field (take a picture);
  • If someone is applying manure before a ½” forecasted rain.

Call the Wood SWCD:

  • If you see dead fish in a stream or ditch;
  • If the manure was not injected or incorporated within 24 hours;
  • If the manure is applied when there is a 50% chance of rain in a 24-hour period.

Call the ODA: If you see a fleet of red manure tankers from Iowa applying manure near you since the owner is not supposed to have any control over this manure.

Then tell your State legislators how absurd it is that taxpayers are forced to pay, not only for factory farm waste disposal, but also to fix their damage to our roads.


Vickie Askins
