‘Hidden Ohio Map’ maker to bring folklore stories to BG

Simpson Garden Park Building

(Submitted by Bowling Green Parks and Recreation Department)

Please join the Bowling Green Parks and Recreation Department as we welcome Ohio author, storyteller, and cartographer, Jeff Craig as our speaker on Saturday, Oct. 26, from 3 to 4:30 p.m. at the Simpson Building-Simpson Garden Park, 1291 Conneaut Ave., Bowling Green.

Craig will be sharing stories and folklore about strange things that have happened in the state of Ohio and he has compiled the Hidden Ohio Map which shares all of their locations. His map is comprehensive.  

The Hidden Ohio Map came about after Craig watched The Mothman Prophecies movie in 2002. He then made subsequent trips to the heart of the area of Mothman sightings in Ohio and West Virginia.  

He has since made trips to other out-of-the-ordinary places in Ohio and beyond in search of the strange, bizarre, and noteworthy. Craig’s talk will focus on how the map was inspired, researched and created.  A few haunted spots, strange creature sightings and a UFO – police chase in Ohio will be highlighted. Space is limited and registration is not necessary. 

Born and raised in northern Illinois, Craig grew up with an interest and appreciation for Midwestern folklore. After college and grad school in Ohio studying geography, history and education, he settled near Cincinnati working first in post secondary education and currently in the field of cartography.  Other interests include drumming with a local bagpipe band and attending baseball games, music shows and movies with family and friends.

For questions regarding the program, contact Chris Gajewicz, 419-353-0301. This program is free and open to the public and is intended for family audiences. Craig will be selling his maps after the program and will be available for signings and questions after the program.