League of Women Voters urges support for school levy

The League of Women Voters of Bowling Green endorses the Bowling Green City Schools ballot issue, which will be voted on Tuesday, November 5, 2019. This is a 1.6 mill property tax and a .25% traditional income tax.  We urge you to vote Yes.

Excellent schools are vital to the economic stability and growth of our school district. We were taught in schools paid for by earlier generations, schools that ably served the needs of the time.  But now, in the 21st century, our children face new realities including enormous changes in technology. Also, individuals with many levels of talent, differing backgrounds, languages, and interests must be served in each classroom. Easier communication among teachers will allow for speedier recognition of and action on students’ mental and physical health problems. And in a consolidated school, the issue of school safety will be more easily assured.

The Bowling Green School Board listened to voters and lowered the amount of money being requested and the length of the commitment by a) dropping plans to update the High School, b) splitting the request between a bond issue and an income tax and c) applying for state funding which is expected to be 17% if it is granted. Current low interest rates offer hope for reducing projected debt costs.

The proposed K-5 multi-winged school will be built on the northern edge of the Poe Road school campus on land owned by the School District, separated from other buildings by a wide field.  Once the levy passes, the City of Bowling Green will donate additional land to facilitate traffic flow and parking separate from the other school buildings. While no architectural design will be drawn until the levy is passed, this type of consolidated school can be seen in other Ohio cities such as Defiance.  The aerial view of the Defiance School looks like three small schools which are linked by a large cafeteria, a gym, and common space which can be used creatively.  Community and staff input in design details will be important to reach our goals and meet our unique needs.

We want to provide Bowling Green elementary students with an excellent educational facility for their growth and development.  Please vote Yes. Bobcat Proud!

Lee Hakel, President

League of Women Voters of Bowling Green

Frances Brent, Chair, Education Committee

League of Women Voters of Bowling Green