Voting for Trump coming back to haunt women

In November 2016, suburban Caucasian women, and FarmHers “Out Here” were given a choice: Maintain control of their own bodies and pass it on to their daughters, or hand it over to old men and post-menopausal women, who were brainwashed into right wing extremism! They overwhelming went along with their tobacco chewing macho hubbies, and chose Trump, foolishly believing that he wasn’t really serious about overturning Roe v. Wade! 

 They foolishly believed that good old serial rapist Brett Kavanaugh was a nice guy, who was picked on unfairly by “libtards,” and super spreading Amy Coney Barret, with her nice African American child who she saved from those “welfare queens” in the inner city, were going to protect women’s rights! I wonder how they feel now? 

   Well, not to hurt their feelings, Well, not to hurt their feelings, but as their hard working, right-wing baby daddies used to say to me by saying  “f… your feelings”, I’ll return the favor by saying, I told you so.

 but we told you so. Congratulations ladies you’ve been P@#!! Grabbed!!

  I just can’t wait to read the massive amounts of whining they’re about to unleash on social media, in the papers, and to see and hear the roar on TV, as they cry crocodile tears about how their daughters killed themselves, rather than be forced to give birth to some dude’s kid who raped them in a college dorm, or how their sister who could have been saved had she ended the pregnancy, died in the stirrups as Sister Mary prayed to almighty God for her and the child’s soul as they both died from complications. 

  In the name of fanaticism, bigotry, hatred, and right wing propaganda suburban white  women put control of their bodies, in the hands of men! I hope they showed all those “Other women, whom they deem lesser than themselves just how smart they are, because I got news for them, women are women, just as people are people, no matter what their skin tone is, and the only thing these ignorant women who voted for Trump succeeded at doing, is slitting their own throats. 

Wait till they find out they’re going to be supporting another family’s son’s child, as those so called “Godly” people inform them, that he will no longer have to pay child  support to their “promiscuous daughter,” because that will be the next piece of legislation that will be rammed down their throats, when they hand Congress back to the very people who just violently kicked them in the crotch! Always keep in mind ladies, it’s your fault you got pregnant, now deal with it, or have your neighbors turn you over to guess who, the very big government you despise, for execution by lethal injection for getting an abortion! That’s what you voted for, when you put on the pink camouflage Maga Hat Made In China!! Maybe those millions you and your husband didn’t get from that huge tax break you gave Elon Musk, will help pay for a lawyer. You’re going to need one come June!

  If you find my tone harsh, you’ll forgive me if I say I don’t care, but there still is hope if you want to save yourself from the storm that’s coming. It’s called the midterms! I suggest the White Suburbanite Ladies and their Rural Routed sisters living in poverty raising  some man’s kid for him, embrace their sisters regardless of skin tone in the Big City, and hit the voting booth or face the Dictatorship Of The Old Men! You did this to yourself but there is a way out still if you open your eyes, and vote for the right candidates come November 

   One thing’s for sure, I’ll be telling my granddaughters to move out of Ohio to the land of the free, instead of staying here and having some pervert or religious fanatic telling them how to live their lives! My family fought and died so they can live happy in this great nation, not have misery and inhumane suffering inflicted on them by right wing extremists! It’s your choice ladies!

Ray Gomez 

Grand Rapids