Local courts create procedures for conducting jury trials

Wood County Courthouse clock tower

Wood County common pleas and municipal judges have consulted with the Wood County Health Department on procedures for jury trials that maintain social distancing and other steps that protect public health.

Based upon those consultations Judges Alan Mayberry, Molly Mack and Matthew Reger of the Wood County Common Pleas Court and Judge Mark Reddin of Bowling Green Municipal Court have created procedures for conducting jury trials with the goal of ensuring the health and safety of all participants.

Courtrooms will be arranged in a way that allows people to maintain at least 6 feet of distance from each other, hand sanitizer will be provided, masks will be required, and surfaces will be sanitized regularly.

Judges and their court staff have consulted with the Wood County Health Department to review health and safety procedures to ensure they align with public health guidance.

Recommendations were also incorporated from a statewide working group of law and health officials that determined what steps were needed to keep courtrooms safe.

“Jurors called to serve in the Wood County Court of Common Pleas can be confident that allbmeasures have been taken to ensure everyone’s safety during a jury trial,” said Judge Matthew Reger. “By working with the Health Department, courthouse maintenance, courthouse and court complex security, jury commissioner, and following Ohio Supreme Court guidelines, we can respect constitutional protections and protect the health of citizens.”

Judge Reddin added, “As the Bowling Green Municipal Court continues operations, the public can be sure that the court is serious in protecting the health of all participants during essential jury trial proceedings.”

Any juror who has been called to serve and has questions about any of the measures instituted by the Wood County Court of Common Pleas may call the jury office at 419-354-9620. Questions regarding jury service with the Bowling Green Municipal Court can call 419-352-5263.