Bike events and rider challenges planned to promote bicycling

Bikes sit in racks outside Bicycle Safety Commission meeting.

The Toledo region is gearing up for Bike Month in May, with two challenges for riders and events all month offering fun and learning related to bicycling.

Riding a bike makes for a healthy commute that provides exercise and reduces air pollution and road congestion. Each year, Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments (TMACOG) and its partners host events and highlight the countless benefits that come with using a bicycle for transportation.

There are two ways to earn prizes like T-shirts, bike accessories, and more for riding your bike during the month of May. Learn more about the Bike Trail Challenge and the Gohio Challenge on TMACOG’s Bike Month page:

You can also find details about Bike to Work week and other community events happening this month.

TMACOG and its members help plan ways to safely integrate bicycles into the transportation system in northwest Ohio and southeast Michigan. To learn more and get resources like bike trail maps and tips on how to stay safe while riding, go to