BG FFA finds ways to serve community during COVID

FFA member Jamie Ankney packs a bag of non-perishable food items for Project Connect.

(Submitted by BG FFA)

BG FFA ended 2020 on a high note and started off 2021 at a fast pace with a variety of activities.  FFA members held their annual fruit and nut sale which provides all the funding for the chapter throughout the year. This year’s sale was run completely online which was a new experience for all. Even though classes were still 100% virtual, members worked hard to have a successful fundraiser. 

The members of the Bowling Green FFA helped to brighten the holidays for over 50 families through numerous projects. Officers Carysa Johnson and Erica Dauterman went on a shopping spree to Wal-Mart to buy toys, books, and clothes for a family that the FFA adopted through the “Dear Santa” Program through the Bowling Green City Schools. The students wrapped and delivered the presents before Christmas. 

The chapter also donated citrus fruit cases and fruit baskets to families of the “Dear Santa” Program. Thayer’s “Christmas Dreams” program also received the FFA’s help by our donation of over 2,500 square feet of wrapping paper to give along with the toys they collect during the holiday season. FFA members truly embody the fourth line of the FFA mission “Living to Serve” during the holiday season.

Bowling  Green FFA kicked off the new year with the submission of the Officer Books from Arika Adams, Faith Evans, and Emma Walker.  All of the officer books received a gold rating and Arika and Emma placed first in the district. Along with these results,  BG FFA is extremely proud of our 2021 State Degree recipients senior, Erica Duaterman and junior, Gretchan Germann.  The State Degree is the highest honor an FFA member can receive at the state level. Less than two percent of FFA members receive this award. All of these members will be recognized during the Virtual State FFA Convention at the end of April.  

At the end of January members attended our second virtual meeting where they took part in a small community service project for the Wood County Humane Society by making dog toys. In total, 20 dog toys were made and donated to the Wood County Humane Society along with other items from the organization’s wish list.

Congratulations to those who have participated in the most recent CDE contests. The Food Science CDE team that placed fourth in the district and 35th in the state. Drew Thomas led the team followed by Eddie Eschedor, Erica Dauterman, and Lynette Bechstein. Carysa Johnson, Jamie Ankney and Wyatt Bechstein also participated.  In the County Public Speaking contest Drew Thomas placed third in the county. The Ag Sales team consisting of Arika Adams, Kennedi Hedricks, Amanda Mantel, and Emma Walker placed third in the district level contest. Finally, the Agriculture Power Diagnostics team placed 40th in the state with Nathan Harris leading the team followed by Eddie Eschedor and Wyatt Bechstein. 

At the end of February BG FFA members not only got to return to in-person learning, they were also able to celebrate National FFA week in person with dress up days and through social media over Twitter and Instagram. Throughout the week, members were able to recollect on their time in the chapter as well as give thanks to those who inspired and mentor them. 

Even though members have been very limited on what activities they can do, they haven’t let that stop them from making the most of opportunities that are available. The FFA chapter wasn’t able to hold its annual fundraiser for Mercy Health Children’s Hospital, Bobcat-A-Thon,  due to COVID-19.   Members still managed to raise $370 for Mercy Children’s Hospital through a Rapid Fired Pizza fundraiser. The FFA chapter added to the donation so a total of $500 will be sent to the hospital this year.  

BG FFA participated in a new community service project this year, Project Connect, which donates non-perishable food items to families in Wood County who are experiencing or are at risk of homelessness and poverty. The chapter was able to provide 25 bags, with 15 food items each,  for families that participate in the program. 

BG FFA has been working hard to make the best out of these uncertain times, and will continue to do so. With many events such as the Bowling Green FFA Pork Bash, end of the year awards ceremony (in place of a formal banquet), and many upcoming contests, there are many things for the chapter to plan and look forward to.