BG FFA participates in season of giving during the holidays

Members construct gingerbread houses at the BG FFA Holiday Party.

Bowling Green FFA participated in the season of giving and sharing during December.

The chapter supported the Dear Santa Society in a multitude of ways. The officer team shopped to help provide Christmas gifts for a family adopted by the chapter. Extra fruit from our fundraiser was also sorted and delivered to the families of the Dear Santa Society. 

Members also helped to wrap presents and store all the items in the Ag Department to be delivered to families. 

To continue the giving spirit, the freshman classes put together candy cane reindeer which were delivered to three local nursing homes to help spread the holiday cheer. FFA members also collected over 120 rolls of wrapping paper to donate to Thayer’s Christmas Dreams program.  

The chapter held a holiday gathering to wrap up the first semester. The officer team decorated the Ag Department to spread holiday cheer. Members were invited to watch a movie, enjoy a hot chocolate bar, decorate and eat cookies, play games, and participate in some arts and crafts.

The Bowling Green Agricultural Education Department is a satellite program of Penta Career Center.