BG Housing Agency to hold quarterly meeting to review HUD Section 8 voucher program

BG City Building

The Bowling Green Housing Agency will meet on Wednesday, March 19, at 3 p.m., in the City Council Chamber Conference Room, 305 N. Main St.

The Bowling Green Housing Agency is an appointed citizen committee which sets policy for the city’s administration of the Section 8 voucher program of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). 

On a quarterly basis, it reviews the functioning of the program and makes any changes it deems necessary. The program may serve as many as 120 low-income, very low-income, and extremely low-income families in Bowling Green. Its goal is to help such families secure safe, decent and sanitary housing. 

Day-to-day administration is in the hands of the Consortium of Northwest Ohio, of which Bowling Green is a member along with the Henry and Williams Metropolitan Housing Authorities.

Inquiries about or to the Bowling Green Housing Agency may be made by calling 419-592-1735 or visit the Bowling Green Housing Agency website.