BG Police arrest three men who allegedly showed up at wrong house looking for a fight

Three men were arrested in Bowling Green Saturday after they reportedly went to the wrong home looking for a fight.

Bowling Green Police responded to a home in the 100 block of South Enterprise Street around 3 a.m., after the men reportedly pounded on the windows and one reportedly entered the home with a knife.

Mason Salyers, 22, Findlay, was arrested for burglary; Lorenzo Martinez, 21, Leipsic, was cited for criminal trespassing and disorderly conduct of taunting; and Lorenzo Walther, 21,also of Leipsic, was cited for criminal trespassing. All three were taken to Wood County Jail.

The three men reportedly were involved in an altercation in a bar earlier in the night, and were given an address to go to for a fight. It was unclear if they were given the wrong address or if they were given the correct address, but went to the wrong house.

Residents in the home said some of the men were pounding on the windows, trying to get those inside to come out and fight. The residents showed the men the address on their mail to convince them they had the wrong house.

At one point, Salyers reportedly entered the house with a knife, allegedly sliding the knife under a poster on the floor when police arrived.