BG teenager charged with felonious assault after allegedly stabbing boy on his way home from school

Bowling Green Police arrested a 15-year-old boy for felonious assault on Wednesday (May 15) after he allegedly stabbed another teenager in the 1000 block of Fairview Avenue.

Officers met the victim at Wood County Hospital, where he was being treated for a knife wound to his arm. The boy said he was approached by the 15-year-old on the way home from school. Words exchanged between the two reportedly led to punching and kicking, then the knife wound. 

Later the police were informed that the boy with the knife wound had been transferred to a Toledo hospital due the seriousness of his injuries – a severed tendon and vein.

The 15-year-old boy came to the police station with his family. He reportedly had a fat lip and some abrasions on his face. After being checked out at the hospital, the teen was taken to the Wood County Juvenile Detention Center.