BG ‘Utility Insights’ to help residents reduce usage and save money

Bowling Green City Building

The City of Bowling Green Utilities Business Office is introducing Utility Insights. The Aclara ACE platform provides utilities and their customers data-driven tools that enable customers with personalized and actionable solutions that heighten energy cost awareness and promote energy and water efficiency.

After creating an account, customers complete a series of questions about their home or small business that can help them to understand their energy and water usage. Answers are used to provide better recommendations for reducing usage and saving money.

A personal savings plan will be created based off the completed profile and customized recommendations. Users can then keep track of projects, create a to-do list of the energy and water saving actions they plan to do, mark off which tasks they’ve already completed, and see estimates of how much their efforts can save.

The program also allows customers to review a current bill summary with usages broken down by electric, water and sewer, view a projection of their next bill, and look at past bills in the bill history.

Energy or water usage can be compared with temperature data to see how usage changes daily or during the winter and summer months.  For example, this year’s January bill can be compared to last year’s January bill to see how energy usage has changed and how the temperatures affected that change.

Aclara ACE Insights services residential and commercial customers. It does not include customers who have a medium, large power or wholesale service electric rate or private residential development, Village of Haskins, out of corporation or wholesale water or sewer rates.

To create an account, visit Questions may be directed to the Utilities Business Office at 419-354-6252.