The Garden Group of Women’s Club of Bowling Green gathered recently at Eden Rose Inspirations. Owner Heather Borsos told of bringing her nurse background to her new business as she created a flower arrangement and told the history of some of those blooms.
Also at the meeting, Jo Vernon reported on the feathers she has collected from the birds visiting her backyard, and how birds display those feathers when trying to attract a mate. Susan Kurfess reported on a fall blooming clematis and instructions on how to cultivate for repeat blossoms. Sharon Daniels reported on Four O’Clocks flowers, and also cautioned about protecting bushes and small trees from salt spray being applied to melt snow.
In new business, club members voted to donate $25 to the OAGC quilt project. Wagons full of hats and mittens and Christmas wrapping paper were collected and will be distributed to the Deacon’s Shop and Crim School.
The next meeting of the garden group will be on Dec. 19 at Bowling Green Country Club beginning at 5:30 p.m.