BG Women’s Club reminds of Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention

(Submitted by General Federation of Women’s Clubs)

Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention is recognized each October as the Signature Project of the international General Federation of Women’s Clubs. In an effort to symbolically awaken and alert our local community to this prevalent issue with a visual presence, Women’s Club of Bowling Green has provided materials for a window display at Ace Hardware in downtown BG, using Lighting the Way candles, an informative poster board, and the color purple to designate this cause.

Domestic violence includes physical, sexual, emotional, economic or psychological actions, or threats of actions, which negatively influence another person of any age. Viewers will also see information about an available agency to contact for help.

In addition, potted purple mums have been distributed to be displayed at First United Methodist Church, Lutheran Social Services of Northwestern Ohio, Wood County Hospital, Wood County District Library, Her Choice, and a local office on Main Street, visually alerting our community to this cause.