Bobcat Parents for Reopening Our Schools to hold rally on Monday

Chalk art on sidewalk at Bowling Green High School

A group called Bobcat Parents for Reopening Our Schools is planning a rally on Monday, beginning at 3 p.m., in front of the Bowling Green City School Board Administrative Offices at 137 Clough St.  

According to an email from the group, the rally is being held in response to the board meeting held on Sept. 15, in which the board did not address the re-evaluation and re-opening of the schools from the all virtual model. 

The rally comes ahead of the special board meeting scheduled on Tuesday. 

The school board has stated before that it will re-evaluate the decision to go all online on Oct. 9. The parent group is seeking more information on concrete plans for the re-evaluation process or preparations for a safe re-opening. 

“Bobcat Parents for Reopening is not a critique of the educators and administrators who are simply doing the best they can,” an email from the group stated. “As every surrounding district in the county works to create a return plan or have already returned students to the classroom at minimum a hybrid schedule, BGCS Board has failed to provide that guidance. The BGCS Board meetings are held virtually with no option for public input or questions. And with no replies from the board members to emails sent, there are several questions we would like addressed.”

Those questions include: 

  • What is the re-evaluation criteria being utilized to return students? Will they be seeking additional input from families and guardians? 
  • How is the board weighing a child’s emotional, mental, and social needs when considering a return to school? 
  • Are the university’s COVID-19 infection numbers driving our board’s decision on opening school? If so, how are they considering these numbers in relation to the student population at BGCS? 
  • Why has this board allowed sports and extracurriculars to continue without a plan on return to the classroom? 
  • How does the board plan to mitigate risk and separate the school district from the activities of BGSU?
  • Has the board purchased additional cleaning supplies such as the electrostatic sprayers that create an efficient way to sanitize spaces? 
  • Has the board adjusted custodial schedules to maintain clean areas? 
  • Has the board trained the teachers on protocols that can make their room safe and clean spaces? 
  • Has the board measured the classrooms to establish capacities for safe distancing? 

“Bobcat Parents for Reopening Our Schools would expect these things to be well underway to bring the students back as quickly and safely as possible. We strongly feel that together we can reopen our schools safely to provide a quality and equal education to all students,” the group email stated.