Book discussion to raise awareness about challenges facing immigrants

Not In Our Town Bowling Green will be co-sponsoring a book discussion with La Conexion, NW Ohio Immigrant Rights Network, the City Human Relations Commission, along with a team of other local organizations. 

The event will be a Zoom book discussion of When Stars Are Scattered, on Tuesday Nov. 16, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. This event will be in the place of the Human Relations Commission’s Fall Community Reads event. 

It is the story of Omar Mohamed and his brother Hassan’s experience in a Somali refugee camp in Kenya. Omar will be joining the discussion on Zoom, so there will be opportunities to hear from him and to ask him some questions. 

The goal is to better understand the refugee experience, consider ways immigrants and refugees make communities stronger, and explore our role in this process. 

The book is for people of all ages. The intent is to increase awareness about the challenges facing refugees and immigrants, create a feeling of hope, and discuss how a community can be more welcoming and inclusive. Everyone is welcome, whether they have read the book or not.

Here is the direct link to the Zoom registration: Also, here are some other links that might give more insight into Omar’s story: