Bowling Green FFA stayed active this spring

FFA Members Emma Walker, Zack Bechstein, Ethan Helvoigt and Arika Adams prepare the meals for the 1st Annual BG FFA Pork Bash to raise money for senior scholarships.

(Submitted by Bowling Green FFA)

Bowling Green FFA started off the year off strong and has carried that through the spring. 

Early April brought many CDE opportunities for members. Emma Walker participated in the state Vet Science competition where she had to identify different breeds and diseases as well as evaluate related practicums. 

Members Nathan Harris, Brian Tussing, and Zach Bechstein took part in the state level Outdoor Power Equipment competition where they had to identify small engine tools and parts as well as virtually troubleshoot various mechanical problems. Zach Bechstein participated in the Ag Mechanic Skills CDE at the state level where he had to present his skills in electrical, welding, and hydraulics. 

At the end of April, BG FFA celebrated the state convention. Sadly this year’s convention was held virtually, but Bowling Green FFA was able to have a watch party during the convention to celebrate all of the hard work its members have put in over the last year. 

Members Erica Dauterman and Gretchan Germann were recognized for their achievement of their State Degree. Along with two members receiving their State Degree, the Chapter itself was highly successful this year. BG FFA was recognized as a Top 10 Chapter in the state, including Top 10 in the divisions of Building Communities and Strengthening Agriculture. 

The first of May led to a first for the BG FFA Chapter when it held a BBQ Pork Bash in order to raise money for senior scholarships. With the help of Devin Dauterman, who shopped, prepared, and cooked the pork for the event, BG FFA was able to successfully raise $2,800 for senior scholarships. The Sweet Stop and Sundae Station generously donated parts of the meal which allowed for all proceeds of the event to benefit members of the Class of 2021. 

In the middle of May, the old and new officer teams were able to host a Pancake Breakfast to thank teachers and staff for everything they have done for FFA this past year. It was a great way to give back to the teachers and school staff especially after the difficult year they have had. The officers served a variety of foods such as pancakes, sausages and eggs throughout the school day for the FFA members as well. 

At the end of May,  BG FFA members ran the children’s tent at the Bowling Green Farmers Market. Members led activities such as making seed necklaces and butter. The farmers market was a great way to get involved with younger members in the community and promote agriculture.