Two teenage brothers from the Deshler area were found dead this morning in a submerged car off the side of Sand Ridge Road, according to Wood County Sheriff Mark Wasylyshyn.
In the vehicle was the driver, Xavier M. Wensink, 17, and his passenger, Aidan A. Wensink, 14.
The car was discovered overturned in a creek near Sand Ridge Road, just west of Custar Road. A salesperson traveling down the road this morning reportedly spotted a tire sticking out of the water and notified authorities.
Around 11:30 a.m., Weston Fire and EMS requested the help of Bowling Green Fire Division’s cold water rescue team at the scene. Bowling Green Fire Chief Bill Moorman said he and other team members suited up and hooked the submerged vehicle to a tow line that then flipped it over and pulled it up to the surface.
Both victims were found inside the two-door passenger car, Moorman said.
The accident is being investigated by the Wood County Sheriff’s Office.