Care Compass project to offer self-care for caregivers

The Care Compass project serves as a quarterly network gathering for caregivers and those who may be caregivers in the future. Care Compass is a place to gather information and resources to make the journey of caregiving less stressful. 

The upcoming session, focusing on self-care for the caregiver, will be held virtually using Zoom on Wednesday, Nov. 4, at 11 a.m.

The Care Compass Project is free and open to all caregivers but requires pre-registration by calling 1-800-367-4935 or 419-353-5661 or by emailing Zoom login information will be given upon registration.

Lunch sponsored by Brookdale of Bowling Green will be delivered to your home by WCCOA to the first 20 Wood County residents registered for the session.

The agenda for the session is:

11 a.m. – Energy Boosters: Teri Laurer, director of Wellness and Occupational Medicine at Wood County Hospital. She will discuss ways to boost energy that will lower health risks and encourage lifestyle habit changes.

11:45 a.m. – Strategies for Self-Care and Resilience: Francesca Leass, from Wood County Health Department. This educational piece is to suggest self-care strategies and help recovering from difficult situations.

The CARE Compass Project is sponsored and brought to the community by Brookdale of Bowling Green, Wood County Committee on Aging, Golden Care Partners, Ohio Living Home Health and Wood County Hospital.