Caregiver program to get back to in-person meetings

The Care Compass project serves as a quarterly network gathering for caregivers. Care Compass is a place to gather together and obtain resources to make the journey of caregiving less stressful. The upcoming session will be held in-person at the Wood County Senior Center, 140 S. Grove St., Bowling Green, with a virtual option on Wednesday, Sept. 1 at 11 a.m.

The Care Compass Project is free and open to all caregivers but requires pre-registration by calling 1-800-367-4935 or 419-353-5661 or by emailing 

Lunch sponsored by Brookdale of Bowling Green is available for the first 15 participants registered for the session. Following is the agenda:

11 a.m. Busting Myths of Hospice and Palliative Care

This presentation will identify and explore the common myths and misconceptions related to Hospice and Palliative Care. There will be discussion regarding the Hospice philosophy as well as a description of the services provided and benefits of each program. Questions are encouraged. Presented by Sara Chambers, BSN, RN, CHPN, Hospice of Northwest Ohio.

11:45 a.m. Dying to Know: What to Expect When Death is Near

The human body has its own internal wisdom when it comes to shutting down and dying naturally. This presentation will identify physical changes the body undergoes, including alterations in nutrition and hydration. It will also highlight the importance of normalizing the experience of dying, specifically exploring strategies that can support patients, caregivers, and their loved ones through an end-of-life journey. Presented by Sara Chambers, BSN, RN, CHPN, Hospice of Northwest Ohio.

One Care Compass date for 2021 remains on Nov. 3.

The CARE Compass Project is sponsored and brought to the community by: Brookdale of Bowling Green, Wood County Committee on Aging, BGSU Optimal Aging Institute, Golden Care Partners, Ohio Living Home Health and Wood County Hospital.

The mission of the Wood County Committee on Aging Inc. is to provide older adults with services and programs which empower them to remain independent and improve the quality of their lives.

For information on programs and services, contact the Wood County Committee on Aging, Inc., at 419-353-5661, 800-367-4935 or