The Cultural Arts Fund of Wood County will be awarding up to $5,000 per grant cycle to non-profit organizations who are presenting or would like to present, a culturally-based event in Wood County.
The purpose of the grants is to support innovative, cultural programming and events that will enrich Wood County communities, stimulate the arts, and generate an economic impact through cultural tourism, cultural heritage, and recreational activities within Wood County.
The grant application cycle deadlines are June 30 and December 31, 2023. Grant application and information about the organization can be found on the website or

Past grants were awarded to The Sunset Jazz and Art Festival, Grand Rapids; Perrysburg Sculpture Walk, Perrysburg; Ohio Chautauqua Tour, Rossford; and Bowling Green Winterfest.
Arts fund was founded in 2015 by Robin Ballmer and Mike Liebenthal with seed money provided by the Rossford Port Authority. The fund has continued to grow since its original inception though it was on hiatis for several years. The organization reorganized and relaunched in 2021. The funding has increased to accommodate two grant cycles with a total offering of $10,000.00 for 2023.
Board members are Liebenthal, Ballmer, Christine Deemer, Les Buker, and Alexis Eggenberger.