Cyanobacteria bloom extends from Maumee Bay

NOAA's National Ocean Service satellite image from Aug. 11, 2019.

NOAA’s National Ocean Service reports:

The Microcystis cyanobacteria bloom continues in the western basin of Lake Erie. Satellite imagery from Aug. 11 shows the bloom extending from Maumee Bay north along the Michigan coast to Brest Bay, east along the Ohio coast to the Marblehead Peninsula; and offshore up to 3 miles west of Pelee Island. 

Observed winds over the weekend (Aug. 9-11) promoted mixing, reducing visible surface concentrations from earlier imagery. 

Measured toxin concentrations continue to exceed the recreational threshold in Maumee Bay. 

Keep pets and yourself out of the water in areas where scum is forming. The persistent cyanobacteria bloom in Sandusky Bay continues. No other blooms are present in Lake Erie. 

To find a safe place for recreation, visit the Ohio Department of Health “BeachGuard” site.